This is the way my classroom looked when I walked in on July 1st:
I had a little work to do but I was very excited about my plans for this year. I am going to implement Whole Brain Teaching this year. The students will have to spend a lot of time talking and teaching each other so I decided to put the desks in groups of 4 so the students have a way to communicate with each other.
I put little flower pots on each desk. I found them at the Dollar Store for 60 cents. I have 6 groups of 4 so I was able to find 3 green and 2 blue pots so I had to pick up a black pot. (Doesn't that just drive you crazy?) I am going to put numbers on the desks. I like to use numbers for various classroom management techniques during the school year. For a discussion question I will say "Number heads together" and I will let all the students in the group talk to each other. The students have to make sure that everyone in their group knows the answer to the question. I will call out a number to share the information with the class. The students do not know which number I'm going to call out. This gives every student a chance to talk and it makes them responsible for listening during the discussion. This also gives my shy students a chance to speak out in class but they don't have to worry about a wrong answer because they have already discussed the information with their teammates. I will also call out a numbers to get supplies for the group. Since I have three classes (kindergarten, 1st and 2nd) there is usually a problem with the community supplies in the caddies. This year I decided to label the supplies with numbers. When I say "get your crayons out" the students will not fight over which crayon box they will get. The students will get the box that is marked with their number. I am hoping this will help prevent wasted time during instruction. I have the scissors, crayon boxes, glue sticks and pencils labeled with numbers. I am also going to make the students responsible for keeping their pencils sharpened and the erasers on. With everything labeled and three classes it is going to help me narrow down students who aren't taking care of the supplies.
This year I am adding rolling carts to the end of each table group. I am going to use the carts for white boards and markers. I also want the students to put their vocabulary folders in the drawers. The students will have to keep their reading books in their desk because they weigh too much for the cart. The caddies are going to sit on top of the carts. This will keep the students from playing with them like they do when they sit in the middle of the table. This will also make it easier when I need students to use white boards and markers. I haven't decided what I might put in the bottom drawer. (Got the carts at Walmart)
I found the cutest baskets at the Dollar Store to use for my books. I had white baskets last year. I had to buy about 12 of them to use for the library. With the new baskets they hold more books so I didn't have to buy as many. The baskets were $3. (I have 3 more on another bookshelf)
I love how well my bulletin boards turned out. I think the three colors I have chosen have worked out so well in my classroom.
I got this idea from Pinterest. In a previous blog I explained how I made these objective frames. When you walk into my classroom this is the first board that catches your attention.
I am going to use this board for Super Improvers. This is another aspect of Whole Brain Teaching. I will post another picture when I have the board completed.
I also got this idea from Pinterest. This is my word wall. I had a white board in my classroom that I wasn't using and I thought this would be perfect for my word wall. I use different color markers to write the words on the board for my 3 different classes. At the end of the year I just erase the board.
I haven't had a teacher desk for about 3 years now and I love it. I have more space in my classroom and it has force me to be organized. When I am sitting at my teacher desk I always have children around me. I use the bookshelf for materials I use on a regular basis. The rest of my materials are in the cabinets. I also have a 3-tier draw that I use for my supplies. I haven't missed my desk.
I use this bulletin board for vocabulary words for all 3 classes. I make this an interactive board for my students. After we have completed a unit I place the vocabulary words on the board. The students are now on a hunt to find the words while they are reading. When a student finds a word they get a paper flag and write their name on it and stick it on the word. This is my way to make sure that they students continue to use the words and it wasn't a "one time deal". As the school year begins I will take a picture of the flags on the bulletin board.
This was the almost finish results of my classroom. I am very excited about this new school year.